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Monthly Archive

October 2002

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 15 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 41 (January - March 2003)
Jay Willoughby

Editorial (Issue 41)

The end of the year 2002 was a time for personal reflection, for Yom Kippur, Christmas, and Ramadan all remind us of God's relevance to our lives. Although many people follow the paths of science, agn... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Alvin C. Roseyard

Increasing Brainpower

Brainpower can be defined as intellectual ability combined with intelligence, creativity, and learning ability. The brain is made of living tissues that can restructure itself, and is composed of bill... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed

Music Therapy

In 1944 Edgar Cayce, who healed thousands of people while in a trance state, said "Music is the medicine of the future."(1) Currently, some religious scholars in the Islamic world denounce music. Thi... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Imran Sabir

Indigenous Culture and the Western Concept of Development

The term development is frequently used in third world countries as a normative concept to imply improvement. But who defines improvement? A spontaneous reply might be that œthe norms for improvement ... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Zainab Goonay

Metaphors in Science

Metaphors are generally considered to be poetic linguistic expressions. However, we often use symbolic language and analogies in our daily lives when trying to explain what we see and hear, how we fee... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Suat Namli

Perfect Math in Nature

Although many Qur'anic verses encourage us to search for God's art in nature, probably few of us have ever taken the time to do so. For example, how many of us have ever analyzed the number or arrange... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Steven Krauss

The Destructive Force of Greed

No Qur'anic verse better sums up the world's current condition than this one. Today's world, ruled by unchecked global capitalism, is in grave trouble. Never before has the world seen such a gulf betw... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

The Holy Month of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan in which the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for humanity, clear signs of guidance and the criterion. (2:158) First point: Fasting Ramadan is one of Islam's foremost pillars read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Hamza Balci

Plastic Electronics

The 1981 movie The Graduate ends with a remarkable scene in which Dustin Hoffman (the young college graduate Benjamin) is advised to continue his carrier with plastics. A quarter century later, Benjam... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Dr. Zeki Saritoprak

Nature: a book to be contemplated

Nature is a wonderfully designed masterpiece of art. As humanity is in continuous contact with nature, our relationship with it has always been significant. What does nature mean to us? Although we ha... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Dr. Naim F. Erdem

Honesty and Deception

Ethics and accountability have become important themes for modern government, as most countries are experiencing a severe crisis of legitimacy. Increasingly, there is a feeling that performance manage... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Habibe Erkin

Genetic Engineering's impact on our lives

Humanity's efforts to control nature dates back as far as recorded history. However, our mastery over nature has given rise to serious concerns. Some see it as opposing God's word, while others see it... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Dr. Bekir Aksoy

The Status of Dhimmis in the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire recognized three groups of non-Muslim minorities: ahl al-kitab (People of the Book), ahl al-dhimma (protected minorities), and non-Muslims. They are not forced to follow Islamic law... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Gulcin Aydin

Kingdom of Children

Culture and Controversy in the Homeschooling Movement Although, there is a lack of theoretical and philosophical background to understand the homeschooling movement I would like to use some philosoph... read more..

Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
Hikmet Isik

Why does God tell Muslims to fast?

Q: Why does God tell Muslims to fast? A: The sparrow hawk's swooping contributes to the sparrow's alertness and evolving skills of escape. Although rain, electricity, or fire sometimes harms people, ... read more..

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